Sunday, December 1, 2013

Voice Over Artist Abuse

It's really quite stunning that I'm still in this relationship. My last post about emotional abuse was in 2009, and now it's 4 years later. Where did the time go? Where did my resolve go? Why am I still here?

In my house, my abusive wife has started a career in voice over:  recording her voice for contracts she gets over the internet. All well and good, except that she does most of the work in the closet of the master bedroom. And when she's recording, the rest of the house has to be QUIET or the microphone she uses, an expensive and very sensitive Neumann, will pick up the tiniest of intrusions.

So, me, my kids, and my wife's elderly aunt all need to be on our best behavior while she does these recording sessions, or we'll have hell to pay from her. Her elderly aunt takes the biggest brunt of it. She's getting senile, she's very hard of hearing, so you always have to raise your voice a little with her to get anything communicated. This morning, before recording began, she really gave her aunt a complex, telling her what she should and shouldn't be doing, the point of bringing her aunt to tears. And this isn't the first time. I heard her aunt muttering "I wonder if this is what hell is like..."